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• Comments and other user-generated content should be related to the issue or topic discussed in the post, group or page. Links to sites that are not related to the discussion and duplicate posts from the same individual are viewed as spam and will be removed.
• Self-promotion, commercial content and solicitation for donations, memberships, or services requiring a fee for any non-library purpose is not permitted.
• Comments, photos or audio posts that contain illegal, abusive, vulgar, offensive, threatening or harassing language, or use offensive terms that target specific individuals or groups are prohibited. Users are fully responsible for libelous or defamatory comments.
• Users should not post anything they do not have the right to post, including private information about another individual or copyrighted materials.
• The Library is not responsible for user-generated comments or content. User generated content is the opinion of the poster only and does not imply endorsement or agreement by The Library.
• Parents and guardians are responsible for supervising their children’s use of The Library’s social media sites.
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