
2nd Century Society Members


2nd century logo The 2nd Century Society is a group of visionary donors committed to supporting literacy and public library service for our community, now and in the future. 2nd Century members have included The Library in their will or estate planning and have advised the library system of that planned gift.




Members List

Susan L. Anthony
Carole DeSoto
Andrew & Megan Enders
Harvey & Linda Freedenberg
Annie Garner
Paul Kessler
John & Sally Killian
Rob Lesher
Dorothy Lorma Linn
Robert A. and Mary E. Mills
John S. Moyer
Kathryn Seygal Patterson
Kathy Silks

Estate of Nancy M. Blosser
Estate of Marilynn R. Kanenson
Estate of Mary Louise McDowell
Estate of Benjamin Olewine, III


Watch a video featuring some of our 2nd Century Members